Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How To Navigate the Clarion/Holiday Inn Room Sales and Swap Meet

You enter, and are swarmed by tons and tons of model horse lovers. 

What Do You DO?!?!?

It is best to start off in the room sales.  I would try and get a few in while you can, as you may miss out on a good bargain. My friend got a reisling there for 40$, and I got a glossy GG Valentine who was "body quality" for 20$. I fixed her up and she is now LSQ and ready to hit the show ring! The line is REALLY long to get in the Swap Meet, so If you want to maximize your time, start in the Artisans Gallery. There are some beautiful resins, artists, tack makers etc. in there, so take your time! You'll love it! Next, travel over to the swap meet. The line should still be long, but it's worth it. There was a GLOSSY ROXY in there last year! (squeal!)  

1. Take it Slow.

Imagine you are on a beach. A beach filled with model horse people. Take your time and browse the rooms. You have until 9:00pm! I only got through half the rooms on the first night. It is helpful to write the room number down you ended on so you can pick it up the next day.

2. Don't get overwhelmed!

The worst thing you can do in one of these things is to get too overwhelmed. This is bad. You want to keep your cool around all these people, so you can whip in and grab a sale when possible. It is also great not to get overwhelmed by all of the beautiful things in the Artisans Gallery. I love it in there!

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